How to be the face of your brand

Have you had your marketing manager, social media coordinator or even a helpful friend tell you to be the ‘face of your brand’? Well, they are right! As a small-business owner, you need to be everything for your brand, including (and most importantly) the public face of it.

The ‘face’ of a brand is the visual, ‘human’ element given to the public and there are several benefits to having one (especially if it’s the owner).

  1. Building trust: When people see a real person behind a brand, they are more likely to trust that brand. By being the face of your brand, you can build a more comfortable persona with your audience, which can lead to greater trust and loyalty
  2. Creating a personal connection: People do business with people they like, know, and trust. By appearing in videos, you can establish a personal connection with your audience and help them feel more connected to your brand.
  3. Increased engagement: Videos featuring a real person tend to be more engaging than those that do not. When people see a face and hear a voice, they are more likely to pay attention and remember the message.
  4. Demonstrating expertise: By appearing in videos, you can demonstrate your expertise and knowledge about your industry or product. This can help establish you as a thought leader in your field, which can lead to greater credibility and influence. Especially if you are a service-based business, your audience is buying in to your experience. What a great way to have already put yourself forward as knowledgeable and experienced before you’ve even met face to face.
  5. Differentiating your brand: By being the face of your brand, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors. Your personality, style, and approach can set you apart and help you stand out in a crowded market.

Of course, being the face of the brand also means stepping in front of the camera. This isn’t exactly a comfort zone for most people. But the benefits really will outweigh the negative! You are the most passionate person in the world about your brand, product and service – let people see this. So, we are going to have to let go of the fear and jump right in.

Here are some quick tips to feeling more comfortable in front of the camera:

  1. Practice and Prepare: The more you practice being in front of the camera, the more comfortable you will become. Practice different video techniques like speaking straight to camera, or set up mock interviews. Practice will also help you understand what you need to do to prepare best.
  2. Relax: Take a few deep breaths and try to relax before you start recording. If you’re nervous, try some relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga to calm your nerves.
  3. Be yourself: Don’t try to be someone you’re not when you’re on camera. Just be yourself, and let your personality connect with the audience. The aim of your video content is to bring in customers and keep customers – so if you are a completely different person when they meet you face to face, they could be really put out.
  4. Focus on the message: Remember the purpose of the video, and focus on delivering your message. If you’re passionate about what you’re saying, it will come across on camera.
  5. Practice good posture: Good posture can help you feel more confident and look better on camera. Sit up straight, pull your shoulders back, and engage your core muscles.
  6. Use props: If you’re still feeling uncomfortable, try using props to distract yourself. Holding something in your hands or standing in front of a backdrop can help you feel more at ease.

Being the face of your brand will have some challenges, but the benefits to your small business could be exponential.