In recent times, It seems that many entrepreneurs are talking about the struggles that they are faced with more than the success they are having. With more people wanting to leave the groundhog day nine-to-five, many entrepreneurs are experiencing more competition, marketing strategies that seem to be forever changing, and feeling threatened by current global conditions. Although these challenges may be real, you can succeed in business.
It no doubt takes audacity and courage to keep going and pursuing that dream and business success you desire. This pursuit does not have to be ‘hard’ all the time. Although you will be presented with challenges, and sometimes big ones no doubt, the greatest achievers are set apart by their mindset. They have the inner confidence and a matching inner self-image that aligns with the success that they desire in business. That inner “knowing” gets them through the toughest of times.
As one of our greatest leaders in human potential, the late Bob Proctor has said, “The greater the challenge, the greater the return because there is always an equal opposite for the person who is open to seeing it.” This is something that those who succeed in business intrinsically know.
But what is the thing that helps assists with this deep inner knowing? If we look at the most successful modern day entrepreneurs, they all had a very clear vision of where they were going and used their higher faculty of imagination every day to help them get there.
On Richard Branson’s Facebook page, there are numerous videos of him speaking about the power of imagination. He shares how his dyslexia was a gift because it helped him imagine and find solutions. He states, “The power of imagination is not just important in life, it is important in the work place too.”
The power of the mind has been studied for decades. We know that the mind is a goal achieving mechanism. If you give your mind a very clear goal and have a very clear vision and you stick to it no matter how difficult the challenges might be, your mind will find a way to move through those challenges into the solution. It will basically guide you to the success that you want.
Dr Maxwell Maltz, in his book Psycho-cybernetics, compares the mind to a cybernetic mechanism. A cybernetic mechanism is a machine that is designed to stay on the course to its target. As soon as the machine jumps off course, it notices the deviation and brings it immediately back on course. An example of this is the flight mechanism on a plane or the thermostat on a heater.
Here are some ways to help you stay on course with your business success. Although these may appear simple, applied consistently, they will move you through the challenges into your success.
- Have an absolute clear goal of where your business will be at the end of this year.
- Write your goal down in present tense every single day at the beginning and end of the day (at the least). This will help your mind stay focussed on your goal throughout the day.
- Use your own internal power of imagination. See only the goal. Think from the goal. This will ultimately become your mind’s set target so that whenever you are off course, it will bring you back on course to moving closer to your target.
Follow these steps consistently and success will be inevitable.