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Thousands of businesses with ATO debt collapsed in the past year
33.6 per cent of businesses with ATO tax debt have either shut down or become insolvent as they were unable to settle th...
The do’s and don’ts of Christmas party tax deductions
There are tax implications for any employer planning to hold a staff Christmas party that they should not ingore.
Self-employed taxpayers reveal struggles in tax filing as deadline looms
Almost half of self-employed Aussies have yet to file their tax return primarily due to stress and time concerns.,
Sole traders urged to submit their tax returns by Halloween
Tax payers who use a tax agent have longer to lodge, as long as they are on their agent’s books by the end of October.
What to know before negotiating with the ATO on a payment plan
Being succinct and supporting your proposal with up-to-date financial data will increase your chances of coming to an ag...
SMEs owe $34 billion in tax debt. Now, thousands are closing down.
SMEs are the largest cohort of businesses with tax debt defaults, owing the ATO a formidable $34 billion.
How sole traders can stay ahead of the ATO’s tightening scrutiny
In many ways, the ATO is actioning tougher scrutiny than ever on sole traders and small business, while also increasing ...
Super tax changes will harm businesses using SMSFs, peak bodies warn
In a statement today, the NFF warned that the proposed changes could affect thousands of small businesses who use Self-M...
Seven common financial mistakes to avoid
Regularly reviewing your numbers, maintaining accurate records, seeking professional advice, and planning for the future...
SMEs stunted by SA payroll tax rate changes
The number of companies with payrolls between $1.35 million and $1.5 million increased by 21 per cent as a result of the...