
Start-Ups Archives

Jade and Augusta of Dr Glitter with their products

Dr Glitter on five years of R&D and how to get funding as a women-led start-up

In this piece, we interview Jade Diep, co-founder of the edible glitter start-up Dr Glitter. The entrepreneur has develo...
Man in brown jacket using laptop in cafe with other worker behind him.

Why are sole traders ignored by legislation? They need help too

Johann Oberholzer is the founder of financial management app Sole. In this piece, he highlights how more needs to be don...
Cafe owners working in a cafe.

Australian small businesses losing economic share, warns Ombudsman

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, has raised concerns about the decline of A...
Woman working on laptop in coworking space.

Mark Zuckerberg wants business to ‘man up’, but what it really needs is more women entrepreneurs

By claiming workplaces need to “man up”, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is ignoring one of the biggest untapped opportuni...
Man with a laptop and sandwich on the desk in front of him using a phone.

Increase in side hustles expected in 2025 – what do employers think?

An increase in side hustles is expected in 2025 as more Aussies look to augment their incomes. But how do employers feel...

Failing in Bondi, thriving in Babinda: The Australian suburbs with the most resilient SMEs identified

Babinda in Cairns has topped the list of suburbs where start-ups have a significantly higher business survival rate.

The worst small-business-related jargon revealed

We asked small-business owners what SME-related jargon they disliked the most – "side hustlers" be warned.

Securing investment, R&D still key challenges for start-ups in 2025 – but most feel optimistic

Securing investment and funding R&D are still key challenges for start-ups in 2025, despite 80 per cent feeling "optimis...
Australian Export Awards

Aussie small businesses emerge as 2024 Australian Export Awards finalists

Eight small businesses are among the 88 finalists for the 2024 Australian Export Awards and have provided contributions ...
family business, degree

One in five non-degree holding entrepreneurs earning six figures

Educational attainment is seemingly becoming less important as some non-degree holding entrepreneurs are finding huge su...