New managed document services for SMEs launched

Canon Australia has announced its new Managed Document Services (MDS), designed to SMEs the same cost savings, efficiencies, security and sustainability that’s been available to big businesses for years.

The new Print Insights, MDS Essentials, Select and Enterprise offerings mean all Australian businesses can now benefit from a range of pre-packaged Managed Service offerings. MDS is a total document management and reporting system that helps businesses reduce print and staff costs, improve efficiencies, increase document security and shrink their carbon footprint. Research firm IDC estimates businesses that implement MDS will reduce their printing costs by up to 30 per cent.*

IDC’s Small Business Research 2017 shows Australia’s small businesses don’t realise the full extent of print opportunities and risks.

“Australian small businesses identified the escalating cost of operations as their top business concern,” Adam Dodds, Research Director – Channels, Alliances and Brokerage, IDC Australia and New Zealand, says.

“Our Small Business Research 2017 shows ‘cost’ is the top concern for 43 per cent of businesses, notably two times higher than the second ranked issue of emerging new business models. Costs savings and productivity were both important factors for small businesses with 50.4 per cent of organisations looking to IT for improvements in these areas.**

“Print is often being overlooked, with 59 per cent of small businesses not having the company directive to reduce print based costs as part of their cost reduction agenda – despite how easy it is to find savings in this area,”** Dodds added.

Canon MDS delivers significant savings by providing the business expertise and simple tools to better understand print behaviour and performance. This helps clients identify ways to optimise the environment to consolidate the number of devices, reduce usage, and minimise waste. With a Canon team and access to monthly insights reports, businesses can continually improve their print efficiency.

“Our research also suggests there’s a significant disconnect in how small businesses think about cyber security. It’s clearly seen as a priority with 64 per cent of small businesses stating this is the key driver behind technology investment. Yet, 27 per cent of small businesses are not aware of the security risks and potential vulnerabilities of their print environment,” ** Dodds says.

All Canon MDS offerings are delivered with document-management software, uniFLOW. This enables more flexible and faster printing, while protecting sensitive and commercial business information. This gives businesses the ability to audit content across their print and scan environments. They can set up rules to control where and how sensitive content is printed and scanned, and access reports on what content is being printed, by who and when. This gives businesses increased transparency, visibility and control to manage information flows.

Gavin Gomes, Director, Canon Business Services, says the new “pre-packaged” MDS offerings will help Australia’s SMEs to realise the same benefits larger organisations enjoy, without the overheads, and allows them to accelerate their own digital transformation journeys.

“Australia’s large businesses have been saving time and money, while reducing their carbon emissions with managed services for years. Canon is focused on how we can deliver big business solutions for smaller businesses, giving them the same opportunities to achieve efficiency, productivity and security as the larger end of town.”

* IDC, 2016
**IDC, Small Business Research, 2017