Final call for owner driver submissions

code, financial planning, industrial relations, funding guide, commitments, proposal, Ombudsman, ASBFEO Kate Carnell, amnesty, superannuation, cabinet, small business payments funds, eligibility, asset, write off, workplace relations, APRA, fair dismissal code

The final community meetings for the inquiry will take place this week in Devonport and Tamworth, with the deadline for online and phone submissions scheduled for 5pm on 30 June 2016.

Owner-truck drivers and their families wishing to contribute to the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s – ASBFEO – inquiry into the impact the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal’s – RSRT – Payments Order had on small businesses, are encouraged to do so before submissions close on Thursday.

ASBFEO Kate Carnell said the final community meetings for the inquiry will take place this week in Devonport and Tamworth, with the deadline for online and phone submissions scheduled for 5pm on 30 June 2016.

‘Since the inquiry was announced we have held community meetings across the country to hear first-hand from mum-and-dad owner-operators about the impact the RSRT Payments Order had on their livelihood,’ Ms Carnell said.

‘We’ve also fielded many calls and received emails from those affected by the Order.  What we’re hearing is that the Order had significant ramifications for many owner-drivers; for some it meant losing a few weeks’ revenue which obviously impacted heavily on their cash-flow, for others, it’s meant not getting the business back that they lost when the Order was in place, and that’s a real concern,’ she said.

Ms Carnell said that while there appears to have been many detrimental outcomes, it’s clear from the inquiry process that there were aspects of the Order that would have had a positive impact on small businesses.

‘Indeed there were some parts of the Order that were good, particularly the 30 day payment requirements.  During our meetings we’ve heard stories about small businesses being paid in 90 days-plus by some big companies; now that’s not acceptable – cash-flow is king for small business – so there’s some things in the Order we’ll be highlighting that should be considered further, but of course there’s aspects that should never be re-visited,’ Ms Carnell said.

Ms Carnell said a report will be tabled next month.

‘We plan to present a report to the incoming government – whoever that might be – in July, outlining what the impacts of the Order have been; what was wrong with it and what was right about it, along with our findings relating to the operation of the Tribunal,’ Ms Carnell said.

Those wishing to contribute to the inquiry can do so by phoning 1300 650 460, or through the ASBFEO website at where a short survey is available.