Embracing the power of sharing the key to growth and success

sharing, caring

Sharing isn’t just about giving or receiving; it’s about something much deeper. Back when I was starting in my career, I didn’t quite grasp this concept. But now, as the CEO and founder of Total Image Group, I’ve come to understand firsthand how sharing can be a game-changer. It’s not just about transactions; it’s about growth, forming connections, and empowering others. Through my journey, I’ve learned firsthand the profound effects of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, and embracing change, particularly in the context of sharing.

Reflecting on my early days in business, I wasn’t a fan of social media. Sharing my business strategies or personal stories online felt risky – and I wasn’t alone in feeling that way. Many fellow entrepreneurs shared my hesitation. I was afraid of being vulnerable, thinking that keeping my ideas to myself was the best way to protect my business.

As the digital age took off and social media became a norm, I found myself facing a dilemma. Seeing other business leaders openly sharing on these platforms made me realise that in a highly competitive market, I needed to personalise my business by stepping up and being the face of the brand. It was a wake-up call that pushed me towards a path of transformation.

About eight years ago, I began attending business and networking events and cautiously dipped my toes into social media waters, starting with an Instagram account. The journey of embracing sharing wasn’t easy for me and public speaking was a nerve-wracking challenge. Being the face of the business meant I had to step out of my comfort zone, so with determination, I pushed through my fears, which led to a significant moment when I to other entrepreneurs at a business event.

The pitch became a turning point for my business and personally. The enthusiastic response showed me the power of sharing – it not only opened doors to new opportunities but also built connections that went beyond just business deals. I realised that by sharing my stories, successes, and struggles, I was creating a supportive community that empowered each other.

As I continued to share my journey through various platforms such as podcasts, media interviews, thought leadership pieces, keynote speaking, networking events, and social media platforms, I gained valuable insights and clarity on business decisions and learned that the obstacles I faced were common among many in the entrepreneurial journey. By seeking guidance and fostering collaboration, I realised that we were all striving for similar goals in terms of growth and achievement.

Now, sharing has become more than just a business strategy for me. As I navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and motherhood, I strive to be authentic on social media and in group settings, sharing both the highs and lows of my journey. I believe it’s this authenticity and relatability that resonates with others, sparking conversations and connections that go beyond boundaries.

As I prepare to speak at an event for IWD I’m reminded of the privilege and responsibility of sharing my knowledge and experiences. If my story can inspire even one person in the audience, then it’s a speech worth delivering.

Embracing the power of sharing has not only propelled the business to greater success but has also enriched my personal and professional journey. I’m committed to continuing to share my story, aiming to inspire others, and I encourage others to do the same. When we share with others, our growth potential is limitless.