
profitability Archives

business confidence declining

SME profits decline in the face of rising inflation and interest rate concerns

There is a noted increase in SMEs' concerns regarding inflation and interest rates, amidst apprehension that rate relief...

SMEs prove their resilience as 2024 dawns

Short-term revenue projections for SMEs are positive, with one-third anticipating revenue increases in January and 37 pe...
profitability, contribution,

How businesses can maintain profitability and reduce financial risk in a turbulent economy

Digital expense management solutions can be effective tools to help businesses maintain profitability while reducing pot...

Small businesses being affected by rising electricity costs

25 per cent of small businesses shared that the increase in electricity affected their profitability more than rising fu...

Profit First and Thriday partner to help small businesses achieve profitability

The partnership aims to help small-business owners achieve the growth and the profitability that they deserve after the ...

Longevity in business: why it matters and how to improve it

You have to plan for a business to be long-lived if you want to succeed in achieving business longevity.

Weakening confidence fails to dent SME profits

Cost pressures are forcing SMEs to tighten their belts, with almost 20 per cent of them saying they will rein in spendin...
fear, red flags, tougher

Tougher road ahead for Australian SMEs

Only SMEs that are profitable, that have a legitimate and successful business plan and that are seeing strong demand for...

Say hello to profitability and goodbye complexity: five great tips for SMEs

From dealing with inflation and managing staff shortages to increasing consumer expectations and continuing global suppl...

Eight steps to starting a franchise

Consider registering each type of IP relevant to your franchise - register your logo as a trade mark and register your b...