Delivery transport is a top five business cost for many small businesses. Yet some common delivery transport myths have the potential to hamper small-business transport divisions from reaching their potential.
Here are some of the most persistent delivery transport myths to watch out for:
Myth One – All transport companies are the same
Many businesses have discovered this myth the hard way. Anyone can buy or lease a few vans and call themselves a transport company. This creates huge variability in the professionalism and capabilities of different transport providers.
To tell if a delivery transport company is right for you, take the time to get to know them and their capabilities first. It’s essential they can support you at your absolute busiest periods, and can quickly organise replacement delivery vehicles and drivers at a moment’s notice.
Start with a small commitment, such as a trial period, to gauge their responsiveness and quality, and increase your commitment accordingly.
Myth Two – It’s cheaper if I just do the deliveries myself
Some small-business owners get into the driver’s seat themselves, or requisition staff from other areas to do delivery runs. But if you crunch the numbers, this approach never adds up.
For starters, what is your time worth?
The DIY approach often leaves the business ill-prepared for surges in delivery demand. There is no system in place, and it cannot perform under pressure.
Myth Three – It’s all about speed, speed, speed
This is partly true. Some industries rely on speed. But accuracy and reliability can be at least as important.
Reliability means consistently delivering during times of absenteeism, or peak demand. Key issues include customer service and communication, and having the right systems to ensure accuracy and proof-of-delivery. You may be an hour or two quicker, but if the above aren’t in place and you deliver the wrong item then it may not mean much to your customers.
Myth Four – Delivery is not a dealbreaker for our customers
Research suggests customer expectations around parcel deliveries are rising. Customer service shouldn’t stop once a deal has been done – it needs to be fulfilled up to the critical delivery stage.
Too many businesses fail to communicate with their clients regarding deliveries. Those who keep clients informed and execute with professionalism go a long way to fostering loyalty.
Myth Five – Outsourcing takes away some control
This is a classic myth. But if done properly, outsourcing does the exact opposite – it gives you more control.
Outsourcing provides more control and flexibility over resourcing and costs. It provides access to resources that match your business demands, including reliable extra resources when needed during periods of absenteeism or peak periods. If your outsourcing solution isn’t providing more control, it’s time to look for a solution that will.