10 questions you need to ask your business

business planning

10 questions you need to ask your business in 2015–16

The best resolution you can make with your business this new financial year is to ask more questions.

Why so? Questions will open up doors to possibilities with your business that you could not have thought of or imagined, and will get you out of the places where you feel stuck or don’t have choices.

Are there areas in your business where you consistently think or say ‘I can’t’, ‘this is too difficult’, ‘I don’t have enough money/resources/time’? These are conclusions that will limit the success of your business. When you find yourself drawing those conclusions, this is the time to break the habit and ask a question instead.

The purpose of asking questions is not to find answers, but to gather more information, create more awareness of possibilities and give you more choices. 

Here are 10 questions you can ask daily to become more generative with your business in 2015–16:

1. How does it get any better than this?

Ask this with every sale, every nonsale, every bill and every cheque.

2. What else is possible?

Ask this when you begin your day to stay open to new and unexpected things showing up and contributing to your business.

3. What would it take to destroy & uncreate my relationship with my business every day?

This question changes the energy and the judgements you have created around the business and yourself. It helps you look at your business every day with fresh eyes, without baggage and clutter from the past.

4. What is right about this I am not getting?

When something does not show up the way you think it should, ask this question. There is no wrong in business. Good, bad or ugly, everything that shows up in your business can create new choices, but you will miss them if you fall into the trap of believing you have a problem.

5. What choices do I have with my business that others don’t?

Asking this question allows you to recognise what is unique about you and your business, and begin to take advantage of that difference to create more.

6. What does the business require of me today?

Asking this question creates more clarity for you around the different requirements your business will have each day.

7. If money/time/resources were not the issue, what would I choose?

Money, time and resources are the time main reasons we use to limit ourselves and our businesses dynamically. Instead of deciding something is impossible, ask this question.

8. What would it take for ____ to show up?

The number of possibilities that are actually available with your business are infinite compared to what you can come up with in your own head. Ask this question to get out of your head and beyond the limitation of your imagination.

9. What information do I need to expand my business right away?

How many untapped sources of information are available to you that you haven’t discovered yet? Continually seeking new awareness and inspiration allows you to be in constant ‘creation mode’ with your business.

10. What questions can I ask today that would contribute to my business?

This is a question you can ask when you don’t know what to ask for!

Remember: the purpose of asking questions with your business is not to find answers, or to get to the ‘right’ decisions, but to gather more information, create more awareness of the possibilities for you and your business, and to give you more choices.

What if 2015–16 was the financial year you realised you never had to be stuck in any area of your business ever again?

Simone Milasas, Joy of Business