Q&A: Tackling the plastic waste problem in the household product market

We’re talking this week to Mike Smith, a serial entrepreneur behind Zero Co, a business that aims to solve the global plastic problem through large-scale cleanups and introducing a closed-loop solution for body and cleaning products. Zero Co collects plastic items and uses them to make reusable ‘Forever Bottles’ and offer Australians a sustainable alternative to household products.

ISB: What inspired you to get Zero Co off the ground?

MS: My ultimate goal and motivation for starting Zero Co was to have an impact on the plastic problem and stop single-use plastic being made, and get plastic out of the ocean. This has and always will be at the heart of everything we do at Zero Co.

ISB: Having built other businesses in the past, what was the most unique challenge you’ve faced with Zero Co and how did you overcome it?

MS: Trying to design a business from the beginning that has zero waste, is really hard. It was super challenging to create a supply chain that uses packaging where nothing goes in the bin – and it’s something no one has done before, which meant we had to figure it all out for ourselves.

ISB: Can you share a bit more about the closed-loop solution you’ve set up for Zero Co and how is it effective in addressing the global plastic problem?

MS: Our signature ‘Forever Bottles’ are kept at home, intended to be used forever. You refill the bottle with one of our refill pouches, that gets sent back to us to be cleaned, repurposed and sent to another customer. It means no plastic in the bin, and every purchase funds future ocean clean ups.

ISB: You’ve also managed to break multiple crowdfunding records with Zero Co; why do you think they were successful?

MS: Zero Co has been about community from day one, which ultimately started through our Kickstarter campaigns. Community is at the heart of everything we do, and we feel strongly that people want to be a part of the solution. People understand the severity of the plastic problem and we’ve made it easier for people to do their bit. Essentially, we put a solution to the plastic problem in front of people – and they jumped on it.

ISB: What is your vision for Zero Co in the next couple of years?

MS: There are two parts to the next phase of our business – first is how do we remove more single use plastic from packaging / supply chains, and how do we remove more plastic from the ocean, and secondly, how do we make Zero Co a global company. We have a goal to remove 15 million water bottles from the ocean through our 100Yr Clean Up Campaign, which is a Zero Co initiative committed to untrashing the planet every year, for the next 100 years.

ISB: Can you tell us about a recent Zero Co 100YR clean up initiative?

MS: Our most recent clean-up happened on World Ocean Day (8 June 2023) where scuba divers all over the world cleaned every ocean, at the same time. We were in Sydney Harbour, removing rubbish from the sea. The rubbish was then organised, and some will be used to make more Zero Co products.

ISB: What is the most important advice you would give to someone who aspires to build their own business?

MS: The most important piece of advice I can give is just start doing it today. People spend too long thinking about everything that can go wrong, over-strategising, and too little time taking action. Start small and just do it.