Nominations now open for the ISB 2022 Top 50 Small Business Leaders Report

We have opened nominations for thew 2022 Inside Small Business Top 50 Small Business Leaders Report. Open to the founder, CEO or manager of every small business in Australia that has between one and 20 employees, the report celebrates the diversity and achievements of the two million plus small businesses who are the backbone of the Australian economy.

Whether you’re a primary producer or a manufacturer, through every sector of the economy to a IoT, FinTech, AgTech or other hi-tech innovative business, if you believe that you have made a contribution to your clients, the communities in which you live and work, and / or to society at large, we’d love to see you throw your hat into the ring.

As we look to profile as broad as possible a range of our small business leaders every year, we’d ask that those who have already featured in a Top 50 Report stand aside to allow us to profile 50 of your contemporaries – rest assured that, as always, we will continue to follow the progress of our previous winners and cover that progress as and when the opportunity presents itself. To every other small business leader in the country, we’d welcome your nomination.

Nominations close on Wednesday 18 May so ensure you get yours in in good time – you can nominate simply and quickly via this link.