
Finance Archives

All I want for Christmas is for companies to revisit their business models

It is important to always remember that before you can sell anything, you need to understand what problem your product o...

Community spending to support small businesses this holiday season

Feedback from merchants and customers reveals that consumers are more than willing to absorb a small fee to use EFTPOS i...

Restaurant penalised for obstructing Fair Work inspector

The judge described the obstruction of FWO investigators as “calculated action designed to frustrate the application of ...
growth fund, hub

Why revenue-based funding for eCommerce businesses is a winner

Revenue-based funding involves business founders securing funding and then paying it back out of future revenues as thei...
invest, accelerator, energy

The top five things I wish I knew when launching my small business

Regardless of circumstance or experience, any insight is valuable and support in the early stages from other entrepreneu...

10 finance tips for new small-business owners

Once your business is up and running, you’ll want to have a clear idea of its performance so that you can continue to ma...

When did you last look at your pricing strategy?

Too many people in retail make pricing decisions based on emotions – based on whether they THINK their customers would p...
logistics, warehousing, stock

One in three small businesses face trading stock shortages

Cashflow plays a critical role for small businesses in the re-stocking process, and there can be opportunities to secure...
digital finance

How businesses with limited budgets can leverage digital finance

The fact that cryptocurrency is still in its infancy should be considered an advantage for small-business owners and ope...
Subcontractors, ACCC

Employee to contractor: why the transition isn’t always a home run for SMEs

It's always wise to seek external counsel before suggesting a transition into a principal-contractor relationship with a...