
vaccination Archives

perceptions, confidence

Small business optimism on the rise

Over two-thirds of small businesses have pivoted to explore new revenue streams during the pandemic, with most saying th...

Confirming and monitoring employee vaccination status: five questions to ask

Communication with employees is crucial, especially in a post-COVID environment in which policies and health situations ...
vaccine, vaccination, directives

SMEs seeking national directives and more support in vaccination efforts

"The states are doing their own thing and that’s really confusing local businesses and undermining confidence – especial...
vaccine, vaccination, directives

Tackling vaccination hesitation in the workplace

An independent expert who can provide scientific information around the vaccines and their risks should remove disinclin...

Majority of diners support restaurants requiring proof of vaccination

Two-thirds of diners say that post-lockdown, their preference will be to dine at, and thereby support, hospitality venue...

Business Council calls on business support to boost vaccination efforts

The Business Council is calling on all employers to support the campaign to get the country back to normalcy through boo...
vaccine, vaccination, directives

Vaccinations, remote work safety foremost among employers’ concerns

Last month Employsure saw the biggest spike in vaccination-related calls to its advice line since the vaccine rollout be...

Indemnity scheme announced for businesses that host vaccination hubs

The indemnity scheme will allow business that wish to help the vaccination efforts by hosting on-site vaccination hubs t...

Five things every employer needs to know about mandatory vaccinations

While vaccinations form part of a business’ methods of controlling the risk of infection, employers must have other plan...
vaccine, vaccination, directives

Why small businesses must choose the right person to deliver vaccine messages

A survey from the RACGP reveals that 68.8 per cent of Australians "strongly or somewhat strongly" support compulsory vac...