Followinclusivity Archives
The potential ROI of becoming more inclusive of people with disabilities
Make sure you have targets and goals for accessibility and that people are being held accountable for them.
Make It Happen HQ innovation hub to drive entrepreneurship among First Nations people
Make It Happen HQ Innovation Hub and Think Tank is supporting indigenous businesses through its range of programs and ne...
Hiring people with a disability reaps benefits for businesses
In response to the skills shortage, more businesses are turning to untapped sections of the labour market, including peo...
Help is at hand to offer a helping hand
It’s a myth that hiring people with disabilities is costly, complicated or in some way bad for business.
How Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander small businesses close the labour market gap
Indigenous Chambers of Commerce offer a powerful voice for the needs of Indigenous entrepreneurs and enterprising commun...
Why the way we write is so important
Fostering inclusive language means thinking carefully about the potential impact on the audience in all aspects of their...
The importance of inclusivity in eCommerce
Using inclusive language can make everyone feel heard and comfortable - ensure you have multiple gender options for sign...
How inclusive is your interview process?
Employers need to identify their own feelings towards people with disabilities, ensuring that they set preconceptions as...