The importance of typography in branding

branding facelift

When it comes to choosing the right typography for your brand, all is not as straightforward as it initially seems.

Just like colour, typography has a large influence base on the outcome of your brand identity and decisions should not be taken lightly.

When you arrive at the decision-making point, you will likely have a brand strategy in place. This may include an audience you want to target, a position you want to take in the mind of that audience and a personality you want to adopt in order to resonate with them.

If you have a high-street brand and would like to portray a sense of style and tradition through your brand identity, then a Serif font from the “Didone” era may just have the personality you are looking to corner.

Typography is an art form in and of itself and so, a typeface comes with pre-defined characteristics that you will need to strategically match with the identity you want for your brand.

This infographic will give you a good starting point for your typography considerations for your brand.

iconic fox typography in branding infographic

Stephen Houraghan, Brand Creator,