Choosing the colour in branding, and with it defining the visual identity of your brand, might seem like one of the easiest decisions you will have to make as a business owner, however, it’s deceptively complex.
When starting a new business, you will have done your homework and hopefully you will have a branding strategy in place. This strategy should include the position you want your brand to take in the market and the personality you want to adopt in order to resonate with your intended audience. Both market position and brand personality have a large stakeholding in colour due to their psychological and emotional connotations.
If the audience you are trying to reach are upper middle class women, the position you would like to take in the market is that of prestige and exclusivity and the personality you want to adopt is sophisticated, then the colour of your brand identity needs to reflect that.
Before you make your decision, you would be wise to consider which colours trigger which emotions, the sysnonoms of each colour and what the different sexes like and dislike. Once your armed with this knowledge, you will be in a much better position to make a strategic decision.
This infographic sheds some light on colour in branding and will give you insight to help you make that important strategic decision.
Stephen Houraghan, Brand Creator,