With over two million businesses in Australia, making sure your branding stands out is more important than ever. In today’s cluttered environment, your branding is the key to differentiating yourself from the competition, competition that is pretty fierce within most industries!
Most people mistake ‘brand’ and ‘logo’ to be the same thing, but branding is so much more. Branding is not just the font you use or the service you offer – it’s also about the feeling and experience that your brand gives your customers.
Best-selling author, Stephen King says it best. He says, “A product can be quickly outdated, but a successful brand is timeless.”
Now let’s take a look at some tips that can help your branding stand out.
Don’t be original. Be unique.
Bottom line – your branding needs to be unique. It’s how your customers and future customers will recognise you.
Steer clear of imitating what your competitors are doing. Your best bet is to find an angle that hasn’t been done before and create a brand that is truly yours.
Have you ever heard a business owner say, “I want my branding to be generic and blend in with everyone else?” Nope! Creating that unique brand is often the difference that makes your brand stand out from your competition.
Know your target audience
Knowing your target audience is critical. Understanding the demographic of your audience will help you to know what they’re looking for and engaging with, in a business, which in turn will influence your branding.
Author Kim Garst says, “Focus on identifying your target audience, communicating an authentic message that they want and need and project yourself as an ‘expert’ within your niche.” This can’t be more true! Thinking in this headspace will allow better communication and relationships with your customers.
Keep it simple
KISS: Keep it simple, stupid. This principle was created over 60 years ago and still rings true today. The main takeaway from the KISS principle is that simplicity should be the primary goal and any unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
If you ask someone to name a brand, they’re most likely going to say Nike, Apple, or maybe even LEGO. These brands all have one thing in common – a bold and simple brand that tells us exactly what they do and stand for.
Start to think about what you’re offering and how you’re communicating this offering to your customers, then work out how you can simplify this into a clean and simple message.
Consistency is key
Last but not least – consistency. Everything from your messaging to your stationery to your website and socials, needs to be consistent. You want your customers to have a seamless experience at every point they engage with your business. Consumers love having a sense of familiarity and are more likely to stay loyal to brands that give them this.
Strong brands like McDonald’s and Coca-Cola are great examples of companies utilising consistent branding. No matter where you are in the world, if you stumble across a McDonald’s or Coca-Cola sign, you know exactly what type of service and quality to expect.
The strongest small businesses will follow this same principle of brand consistency. This is going to help create a memorable brand for your customers.
In conclusion, if you want to make sure your branding is going to stand out in today’s cluttered environment, make sure you focus on the entire experience that your brand gives to your customers. Stay original, know your target audience, keep it simple and be consistent.