Businesses urged to get involved in ‘cleaning up’ Australia in 2024

Environmental organisation Clean Up Australia has announced that registrations are now open for the upcoming edition of its annual Business Clean Up Day to be held on Tuesday 27 February 2024.

Open to all businesses and organisations across Australia, the event provides an opportunity for businesses to conduct teambuilding activities and engage their staff, and offers a grassroots, practical way to reach and educate those employees on how they can do their part in dealing with the waste problem affecting Australia and the rest of the world.

“The consumer expectation for businesses to model an environmentally responsible approach to goods and services, product manufacturing and delivery is becoming more pressing,” Pip Kiernan, Chair of Clean Up Australia, said. “Sustainability has been proven to not only be good for the environment but also good for businesses’ bottom lines.

“Taking part in Business Clean Up Day is one small and practical step towards meeting those expectations from customers and society,” Kiernan added. “It leaves a positive and lasting impact on those who participate, fostering a sense of community spirit while making a difference.”

Additional opportunities for involvement with Clean Up Australia extend beyond the annual Business Clean Up Day. Businesses can also host one of the clean-up events anytime through the year, hold competitive multi-site corporate challenges, and conduct virtual teambuilding sessions to inspire and motivate employees to reduce their environmental impact.

Clean Up Australia also offers a Workplace Giving Program and welcomes tax-deductible donations with 100 per cent of the funds raised going back into community projects including the production of free Clean Up kits and resources to communities, youth groups and schools.