Why investing in AI training could give SMEs an advantage

analytics, business intelligence, intelligence, advantage

Modern artificial intelligence is fast becoming a key part of today’s workforce, with the integration of AI increasingly seen not as a luxury but as a necessity. According to recent data from Indeed, 70 per cent of Australian workers believe the skills needed to perform their role will change over the next five years, while 57 per cent say this shift has already occurred.

For SMEs, embracing AI is crucial to navigating and adapting to future workforce changes, and workers are ready to rise to this challenge. A whopping 91 per cent of Australian workers say they are confident they can adapt to the changes AI will bring to their jobs, predominantly citing they feel ‘capable’ (43 per cent), ‘prepared’ (40 per cent) and ‘excited’ (33 per cent) about the prospect. With employees expressing a keen interest in acquiring AI skills to enhance their careers, SMEs can leverage this enthusiasm to drive innovation and efficiency within their businesses.

Evidence indicates that SMEs are already integrating AI tools into their workplaces, with 44 per cent of white-collar SME workers saying they are encouraged to use AI by their employer, and a further 48 per cent of these workers confirming their employer has offered training on how to use AI tools.

As businesses increasingly turn to AI to enhance content creation, provide insights into market dynamics, improve customer communication, tailor marketing to individual customers or streamline admin processes, having employees who are skilled in these tools becomes paramount.

On-the-job training in AI ensures that workers remain equipped and adaptable in the face of constantly evolving tech. Importantly, the focus of training on how to use AI tools should not be on comprehending the intricate technical details of AI, but rather in mastering how to effectively engage AI platforms to generate desired outputs. This strategic understanding will enable employees to harness AI capabilities without being overwhelmed by its complexity.

There are several ways for SMEs to implement AI training initiatives effectively, even with limited resources and manpower.

Leverage online learning platforms

SMEs can take advantage of numerous online learning platforms that provide a wide range of AI-related courses suitable for varying skill levels. Additionally, many of these platforms offer flexible scheduling options, allowing employees to learn at their own pace without disrupting daily operations. By investing in subscriptions or individual course purchases, SMEs can provide employees with valuable AI training resources without breaking the bank.

Utilise free resources and tools

In addition to formal training programs, SMEs can explore free resources and tools available in the AI ecosystem. Many reputable organisations, including tech giants like Google and Microsoft, offer free online courses, tutorials, and documentation on AI technologies and applications. SMEs can encourage employees to leverage these resources to deepen their understanding of AI concepts and gain hands-on experience with relevant tools and platforms.

Foster internal knowledge-sharing

SMEs can also tap into the existing expertise within their organisation to facilitate AI training initiatives. Encouraging knowledge sharing among employees can create a collaborative learning environment where individuals with AI skills mentor their colleagues. This approach not only minimises training costs but also strengthens team cohesion and morale. By harnessing the collective intelligence of their workforce, SMEs can cultivate a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

AI is the future work, and investing in relevant AI training can provide SMEs with a strategic advantage in today’s competitive business landscape. By embracing AI education initiatives and empowering their workforce with relevant skills, SMEs can adapt to evolving industry trends, enhance operational efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.