Q&A: PR with an emphasis on affordability and efficiency for micro- and small-businesses

This week me meet Celine Kaltoum who has leveraged a successful career in the PR industry working with large fashion and lifestyle brands to launch her own boutique company that focuses on promoting smaller brands with limited budgets.

ISB: What was the inspiration behind the founding of CSK PR?

CK: What inspired me to embark on this business was not merely a professional obligation but rather a genuine passion for PR and a desire to make a meaningful impact in the industry. This passion fuelled my decision to establish my own Public Relations agency and continues to drive my pursuit of excellence.

Despite the initial daunting nature of the decision, with over eight years of industry experience and having worked with some incredible brands and agencies across the fashion, beauty and lifestyle sectors, the timing felt right to take the leap and start this new venture.

ISB: What was the most challenging aspect that you encountered in getting the venture off the ground and how did you overcome it?

CK: One of the initial challenges I faced was securing clients. Persistence was crucial in overcoming this hurdle. By diligently identifying potential clients and consistently reaching out, I managed to build a network of opportunities. My determination and refusal to give up were key factors in transforming potential leads into actual clients.

Another significant challenge was managing the financial uncertainty that comes with starting a new business. The unpredictability of income was a daunting and eye-opening experience. However, through unwavering diligence and tireless dedication to my clients, I was able to demonstrate the value of my work and expertise. This commitment fostered strong relationships with my clients, ensuring a steady stream of work and financial stability.

ISB: How do you make your company stand out in what is a very competitive marketplace?

CK: Having worked primarily with larger brands during my time within the Public Relations industry, I recognised a gap in the market to extend my expertise to emerging Australian brands that did not have the budget or financial freedom to spend on communication strategies. This presented a unique opportunity to leverage my knowledge, tailoring messaging strategies to propel these brands into the spotlight, garnering maximum exposure and awareness.

The relentless dedication to crafting and amplifying compelling narratives for my clients is what sets me apart from the competition. I understand the power of storytelling in capturing the attention of audiences amidst the noise of the media landscape and identify the unique stories behind each client, to effectively communicate them to the right audiences through strategic PR campaigns.

ISB: And how do you cater to small-business clients who don’t have the budget for large, ‘glitzy’ PR campaigns?

CK: Our services emphasise affordability and efficiency, benefiting emerging brands. Adopting a package-style approach with clear pricing structures alleviates the uncertainty of hourly rates, catering to brands facing budget constraints. By providing accessible options, I aim to level the playing field, granting emerging brands access to top-tier PR services. In essence, the agency remains committed to empowering all clients to thrive in their respective markets, irrespective of size.

ISB: How do you envision CSK PR growing and developing in the next couple of years?

CK: The future is extremely bright. In the next couple of years, I envision team expansion by hiring full-time staff members to enhance client management capabilities. Additionally, I aim to secure a dedicated office space to support the growing operations.

I see the agency continuing to expand its client base, working with a diverse range of Australian businesses to elevate their brands and drive impactful communication strategies. As technology evolves and media landscapes shift, I am committed to staying ahead of the curve, embracing emerging trends, and leveraging new opportunities to deliver even greater results for my clients.

Ultimately, I see CSK Public Relations as a trusted leader in the Public Relations field, known for creativity, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to its clients’ success.

ISB: Finally, what is the most invaluable lesson you’ve learned in this venture that other would-be entrepreneurs should take to heart?

CK: The significance of taking risks. Had I remained in my previous, comfortable role, I would never have mustered the courage to pursue my own path. Starting a new venture can feel like diving into the deep end – challenging and often daunting. However, the rewards are remarkable and well worth overcoming the initial fear. Trusting in myself, my experience, and my knowledge without hesitation has been crucial. For any aspiring entrepreneur, believing in your abilities and taking that leap is essential.