ATO goes on the road to listen to small businesses

In a series of ATO community conversations, regional SMEs around Australia gave to the ATO valuable feedback to be used as a base for future improvements.

ATO community conversations bolster efforts to improve the system.

In a series of personal ‘community conversations’, the ATO has spoken with around 240 regional small businesses around Australia so far.

Community conversations offer another opportunity for small business owners to tell the ATO directly what they need, says Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan. The ATO has already taken on board feedback and ideas from small businesses and made improvements.

‘I am committed to making business interactions with the ATO simpler, more efficient and less costly. Hearing directly from the community about what would make the most difference to their experience is vital,’ Commissioner Jordan said.

 These community conversations help us understand what it is like to be in the shoes of small business.  

‘These community conversations help us understand what it is like to be in the shoes of small business and gives small business the opportunity to give feedback about their experience, and tell us more about what they need.’

Some feedback from small-business owners:

‘Tools like webchat, the ATO app and call-back services are a great idea. These sorts of services work with how we work’ – Christina Pilkington from Ninja & Jhi, Wagga Wagga, NSW.

‘I had some questions about the ATO products, including myTax, and my questions were answered’ – Ali Jolooiyan from Zam Geosolutions, Traralgon, Vic.

The events run from 5.30 to 8.30 pm.

2015 dates & locations

8 October – Sunshine Coast, Qld

13 October – Cairns, Qld

15 October – Port Pirie, SA

20 October – Mount Gambier, SA

22 October – Darwin, NT

5 November – Geraldton, WA

10 November – Launceston, Tas

12 November – Busselton, WA

Find more information about ATO community conversations or register for events at