Sue Parker
Sue Parker is the owner of DARE Group Australia. A communications, personal branding and LinkedIn specialist Sue works with national professional service businesses owners and career executives. She brings over 35 years marketing, sales and media experience and previous to DARE Group owned a media and marketing recruitment agency for 11 years. Sue understands all the challenges small businesses face and has a humorous, direct and brave approach to help her clients ‘step up and stand out’. A well-regarded TV, print and online media contributor and columnist with bold opinions and witty musings, Sue has been a valued contributor to Inside Small Business since 2018.
From the author

Compliments are the business gift that keep on giving
Compliments and gratitude have declined over the years, which is ironic given the need is greater now than ever.
Feb 29, 2024

Releasing the pressures of thought leadership
Hold your nerve and don’t get swayed by the social media push and noise to be something you are not in the grind hustle ...
Oct 9, 2023

Does your content sit on the fence or jump over it?
No matter what you write and publish, not everyone will like it - that’s ok as your vibe will attract your tribe.
Aug 7, 2023

Why businesses must stop using trauma-induced marketing language
It is critical that small businesses differentiate themselves in their market and look beyond trite and lazy language.
Jan 16, 2023

Are ethical bribes past their use-by date?
Constant email nurture sequences pushing products and services feels like going into a used car sales yard, it's pushy a...
Nov 14, 2022

Coping with the roller coaster of small business and self-employment
In a world where communication builds trust, genuine self-awareness through sharing and vulnerability can be a real busi...
Oct 24, 2022

Ageism and hiring myths are destroying small business
Increasing the employment of older workers does not harm and may even benefit younger people's employment prospects.
Oct 3, 2022

Get your LinkedIn undies sorted before doing anything else
When someone visits your LinkedIn, they may not read your About section, but your banner, photo and headline will comman...
Aug 9, 2022

LinkedIn winter news and hot updates
With a talent-short market and candidates evaluating new employers rigorously, the Workplace Module will help small busi...
Jun 14, 2022

Lessons from a Cavalier pup on change and innovation
Change is uncomfortable and SMEs are often hesitant to be creative - it's about doing things differently, losing ego and...
May 10, 2022