Five problems you’ll have when recruiting…and their solutions

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You’ve posted the ad, you’ve compiled the shortlist and you’ve conducted some interviews. You’ve done everything right, but why is that gut feeling telling you that the job of recruiting the right candidate is far from done?

PROBLEM #1: The best candidates are not on the market

If they’re good at what they do, they’ve most likely settled into a decent job already. With longevity being a huge player in most employer’s interests, it’s common sense to assume the best workers aren’t spending their time browsing Seek.

SOLUTION: Ask a recruitment agency to do the work for you. They can proactively search, contact and get the best candidates interested, then place them right in front of you to interview, all in a day’s work. Best of all, this part of the service rarely costs you anything.

PROBLEM #2: Your job ad isn’t attractive enough

In an age where your recruitment success heavily relies on your digital savviness, it’s important to know how to combine your ad writing skills and online search algorithm knowledge.

SOLUTION: Your job ad is an advertisement for your job, not a position description. You want to generate interest. Adept wordsmithing, clean formatting and use of keywords will have you coming out on top. Recruitment agencies can supply you with the tools needed to form a winning job ad.

PROBLEM #3: Good, loyal employees won’t apply directly for other jobs

Most employers would deem an employee from a direct competitor as the perfect candidate. They know their market, they sell the same things, they have perfect experience. However, good employees wouldn’t be caught dead applying for a role with their current company’s competitor, so there goes that dream.

SOLUTION: Experienced recruiters are highly skilled in the art of “poaching.” In other words, they can discreetly put you in contact with interested employees from competitor brands by directly communicating with them.

PROBLEM #4: You’re not willing to pay for quality

Salary is everything. How much you are willing to pay employees will correlate with the amount of performance and quality work you’ll get in return. If you’re offering a below-market average package, you can expect to receive less-than-average applicants, and a lot of very enthusiastic juniors looking for a foot in the door.

SOLUTION: If you’re happy with the quality you get, that’s perfectly fine. Another option is to discuss your market’s salary averages with a professional and explore options available to you. A good recruitment agency who is familiar with your industry will be able to provide you with up to date information.

PROBLEM #5: The best need a little more motivation to change jobs

That’s simply a task you don’t have time for. The next best employee for your company is out there, but they’re so comfortable where they are right now…

SOLUTION: A skilled recruiter will not only find the best candidates – they’ll sell your role to them, piquing their interest and enticing them to apply.

Brought to you by Eve O’Connell, Marketing & Administration Assistant, ROC Consulting Group