Scent marketing agency Light & Glo recognised for innovation

Light & Glo, which was previously featured on ISB’s Q&A segment, has been selected as a finalist in the Telstra Best of Business Awards’ Innovation category.

The small business, run by Suji and Jeeva Sanjeevan (pictured above), has been selected for its innovations in scent marketing and olfactory experiences. The business’ service arm, BrandScent, creates custom signature scents for brands, while its eponymous retail business specialises in soy woodwick candles.

Aside from being business owners, the Sanjeevans are also doctors – Suji told ISB’s Karl Aguilar that they have applied their medical knowledge to their products.

“We sought to disrupt the industry through the knowledge of hormones and understanding which scents trigger the release of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin etc. We deliver feelings and emotions through senses,” Suji told Karl.

“Humans comprehend everything around us through senses and learn through experience and that as a starting point is our brand strategy which focuses on one’s senses – sensory branding.”

The Sanjeevans aren’t done innovating yet; they have big plans to integrate scent into virtual reality experiences.

The duo will find out whether they will take home the state prize on September 26.