
mindset Archives


The role of mindset in founding a game-changing business

Launching a start-up demands dedication, resilience, and a steadfast belief in the cause in spite of the odds.
early stages, grow, start-up

Six essential growth hacks for small businesses to ensure a profitable start to 2024

The difference between stagnation and growth often lies in the perspective and strategies we choose to adopt.

How small businesses can introduce sustainable business strategies

Small businesses have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the environment and their own long-term success th...

First, keep an open mind

A person with a growth mindset will ask a lot of questions that will eventually lead to the golden solution.

The will for wealth

Money mindset encompasses our beliefs and attitudes towards money, and in the case of wealth creation, positivity is key...
David hook Gioliath

Five simple (yet effective) tips for small businesses competing with big brands

As a small business, you have the potential to adapt to an ever-evolving market through innovative practices that larger...

Is busyness your small business badge of honour?

There are a few ways to drive successful outcomes without needing to feel like it’s time for a new busyness medal to wea...