business travel

business travel Archives

Three big trends for business in 2022

The trends that emerge in 2022 will extend far beyond this year and will, in fact, set the foundation for next-generatio...
business travel

Business travel a potential answer to the “Great Resignation” issue

SMEs who have made the effort to travel and see employees and prospects face-to-face have been more successful in attrac...

SMEs determined to return to the skies

SMEs’ desire to start travelling again make it vital that they consider how to provide employees with H&S measures that ...
business travel

SMEs to drive domestic business travel recovery

SMEs in mining and healthcare lead the way in terms of putting people back in the air, thereby driving domestic business...

What can small-business owners claim at tax time in 2021?

Given the challenges small businesses faced in the past year, it helps to be aware of - and avail themselves of - all th...