Christmas is just around the corner and shops and small businesses across Australia are getting ready to fill the stockings with local wonders, according to the Minister for Small Business, Michael McCormack. He also says that small business gives a boost to local jobs at this time of year, giving many people their first experience of employment.
“Small business is at the heart of all local communities. By shopping locally, we directly support local businesses, keep this cash injection in the local economy and drive local employment,” McCormack said.
“Money spent in a small business has a positive flow-on effect for local communities with much of it going towards local wages and salaries, other local business suppliers and supporting local charities, schools and sponsorships.
“It is estimated each Australian plans to spend around $955 this holiday season, so why not spend this in a local small business?”
McCormack praised small businesses for their role increasing local jobs, with many employing more staff in the lead-up to the holiday season to meet the spike in consumer demand.
“Small businesses are the real job creators in Australia and many will employ young people this holiday period and for some this will be their start in workforce,” McCormack said.
“We are backing the sector to support local job creation through our strong small business agenda which is focused on cutting taxes, slashing red tape and levelling the playing field so small business can compete.
“Small businesses are the risk takers with many sacrificing their time to keep their doors open to provide the goods and services we all enjoy. By shopping local this holiday season we can support the sector and keep money in local communities to create jobs.”
With less than a month until Christmas the Minister urged all Australian to support their small businesses by purchasing gifts, groceries and services to celebrate the holiday season locally.
To find out more about the Coalition Government’s small business package visit