Lielette Calleja

From the author

Coronavirus – the opportunity to systemise working from home

Choosing the right tools to help you stay connected with your staff and customers if Coronavirus means working from home...

Single Touch Payroll a mega opportunity for micro business

The shift to STP presents opportunity for micro businesses to have stronger visibility around their cashflow.

Why so many tradies are losing out on money

Too many tradies sadly have no knowledge of how much profit they have made, nor do they have the tools to help them bett...

How small-business owners can get Single Touch Payroll right

Top hacks to ensure your business is ATO compliant with the new Single Touch Payroll system.

Four top tips for business efficiency

Creating efficiency in the workplace is not a solo act or about simply turning on new tools - your whole team needs to b...
achieve growth, financial year

How to grow your business while taking care of your finances

As a business owner your focus should be on how you can market and commoditise your products and services without sacrif...
Content marketing

Big learnings for small business

The ability to measure the impact of your content marketing is the most effective way in knowing how to improve upon a s...
freelance work

The self-employed and the gig economy

Five steps to being successful in the gig economy.