Darrell Hardidge
From the author
Why it’s important to be proactive rather than reactive
If you obssess over your customers and not your competitors and are proactive in understanding them, you are at an advan...
Dec 3, 2019
How to boost your client conversion rate
Avoid spending money generating more leads until you master the conversion rates of the market your business has an oppo...
Oct 21, 2019
Why dropping your prices is a recipe for disaster
When is the last time you can remember the store-wide Apple sale? You can't, - their quality and reputation means they d...
Aug 23, 2019
Client loyalty is the only thing you can count on
In a challenging economy, combining the practices of the past with today's technology provides an advantage in building ...
Jul 1, 2019
Five customer service mistakes that drive us crazy
Most customer service complaints can easily be avoided in the first place if you focus was on the outcome rather than ju...
Jun 5, 2019
The great myth of customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is not enough - you need to be truly appreciated to generate a loyal following.
Nov 2, 2018