Alita Harvey-Rodriguez
Alita Harvey-Rodriguez is known as one of Australia’s leading digital marketing futurists and the brains behind MI Academy, an award-winning project-based training and consultancy provider. For over a decade, Alita has worked with global brands such as REA Group, Mr Toys Toyworld, Experian, Mountain Bikes Direct and Alfa Romeo to transform their marketing and customer experience. Today Alita works with tier one retailers to help create clarity in digital leadership. She specialises in data-driven transformation programs that help marketers leverage data to reveal hidden profits and build humanised communication strategies, creating raving fans out of customers.
From the author

Strike gold in social media marketing
All successful brands in social media live by the three Es: ‘Empower’, ‘Educate’ and ‘Entertain’.
Sep 6, 2024

Unlock the secret eCommerce weapon: how AI can skyrocket your email marketing revenue
It's time to level up your email marketing game and unlock the full potential of AI in your email marketing and customer...
May 13, 2024

Unlocking retail and eCommerce success: the power of a strategic marketing operations model
By implementing a marketing operations model, you'll empower your team to become marketing superheroes.
Jul 11, 2023

So, you have a loyalty program – now what?
A loyalty program only looks at the value of the people within your program whereas customer experience is the sum of ev...
Dec 5, 2022

Incremental performance – doing big things with small budgets
Businesses that implement incremental performance strategies see a multitude of benefits from increased collaboration to...
Nov 4, 2022

The state of the great reshuffle and five ways it’s impacting small businesses today
It's a candidates' market out there, so people are wanting roles that truly align with their values, their beliefs and h...
Oct 5, 2022

What 21 days of focus can do for small-business growth
Achieving small-business success is a marathon, made up of hundreds of sprints that, together, can help you eventually a...
Sep 13, 2021