Xero Small Business Index
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Small businesses record highest jobs growth in 11 months, despite slowing sales
The main area of concern for small businesses in July is the slowdown of sales growth, which slowed to 7.5 per cent y/y...
Small Business Index riding high on faster payment times and jobs growth
Australian small businesses are continuing to sell more goods and services than they did a year ago, despite customers f...
Modest small-business job growth recorded in May after a two-month decline
Xero notes that while jobs remain soft, this is a welcome break following a trend of slower and falling jobs growth over...
SME wages hit five-year high
Despite the wage growth, job growth remains weak as high vacancy rates are resulting in small businesses battling with t...
Omicron hits small-business performance hard
The latest Xero Small Business Index data reflects the heightened volatility many small-business owners have experienced...
Small businesses sales hit six-month high in pre-Christmas rush
The rise in the Index was driven by a surge in small-business sales on the back of easing restrictions and customers sho...