MYOB Archives

Small businesses’ performance falling behind GDP

The SME Performance Indicator is a calculation of gross value added (GVA) for businesses with 1-19 employees across Aust...

Cost of living crisis costing SME productivity

To address the productivity challenge, many SMEs believe that the answer lies in improving skills and training programs ...
data privacy

COSBOA and MYOB urge small businesses to be extra vigilant during EOFY hacking season

Cyber Wardens has launched a free guide, a quick-reference tool that educates small businesses on the scams prevalent at...

Small-business owners making sacrifices to cope with rising costs

A third of SMEs report that their revenue is down compared to a year ago, with 38 per cent of them citing challenging ec...

Concerns raised as small businesses suffer a spending ‘cold snap’

MYOB data suggests that the impacts of a tightening on consumer spending are starting to take a toll on small businesses...
digital evolution, tech stack

Tough economic times drive SMEs’ focus on productivity and digitisation

A quarter of SMEs have digitised more of their operations in the last 12 months and 37 per cent of these businesses have...

Small-business support vital for economic growth

"Upskilling the workforce and the confident and decisive use of digital business tools is at the crux of boosting produc...
asset financing, recovery, relief package, financial measures, funding, commercial brokers

Many SMEs in the dark when it comes to non-traditional financing options

Over two-thirds of SMEs surveyed have never heard of invoice financing as a financing option and only 15 per cent have u...

New research reveals time-saving benefits of eInvoicing

The feedback from the study confirms invoicing is a significant component of an SME's administrative tasks, with 83 per ...