mental health

mental health Archives

Cashflow issues affecting the mental health of small-business owners

Small-business owners are acutely aware of the challenges they face and are calling out for support to take back control...
Mental health, fatigue

How SMEs can combat employee fatigue

The 'Great Resignation' phenomenon means small-business owners need to step up and show that they care for their people ...
millennials, burnout, boundaries, emotional, low confidence, sacrifices, stress, Workplace Wave

SME managers and employees fear the worst is yet to come in workplace mental health

Organisations that are unable to deal with the Workplace Wave are seen to more likely experience the full effects of emp...
R U OK Day,

R U Ok Day and beyond – the importance of a year-round approach to wellness in the workplace

COVID has shown us that flexibility in the workplace is extremely important to employees, and we now know that most jobs...
wellbeing, place

How to boost workplace wellbeing without the costs

Even a small gesture from an employer to a staff member – like shouting them a digital gift card they can spend on a cof...
travel, peak season

Mental health of small-business owners affected by lack of travel

With travel restrictions within and outside Australia loosening, 87 per cent of the small-business leaders surveyed have...

Why now is the time to empower small-business employees with resilience

Employees are increasingly looking for employers who show they value holistic wellbeing so showing you value these conce...
well-being, workplace health

Six steps to help you build a successful workplace health and wellbeing program

The recent findings that depression and anxiety are the leading cause of sickness and long-term incapacity should be a m...
economy, return to work, red tape, burdened, well-being, burnout, productivity, mental health

Mental health a big concern for one in three small-business owners

Experts say it's crucial that mental health and wellbeing stays high on the agenda for SME leaders post-COVID as it affe...
proactive, advisers, workplace mental health

Why small-business owners should invest in mental health at work

It is up to business leaders to create a space where employees at all levels of a business feel that their workplace pos...