Five things to know before you hire a business coach

I’ve spent over $500k on business coaches and mentors. Yes, you read that right – half a million dollars. I’ve invested that money to grow my business, develop my skills, and push myself to the next level.

But let me be honest with you: not all of that money was well-spent. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve wasted time and money on coaches who weren’t aligned with my values or my vision. I’ve been gaslit, manipulated, and even bullied by a coach who should have been supporting my growth, not tearing me down.

Here’s the thing, though – despite all that, I would do it all again. Why? Because the benefits far outweigh the fear and the lessons. Each experience, good or bad, has brought me closer to where I am today – more aligned, more powerful, and more committed to helping others avoid the same mistakes.

Now, I’m on a mission to help other small-business owners – just like you – avoid making those mistakes. I want to help you find a coach who truly aligns with your goals, who respects your journey, and who can genuinely help you grow your business.

Here are five things you need to know before hiring a business coach:

1. Pay attention to how they sell

If you feel like you’re being pushed into making a decision quickly, take a step back. Coaches who rely on pressure and fear to sell their services are often more focused on their own agenda than on your growth. You should feel invited, not pressured. I’ve learned to trust my value, and so should the coach you choose.

2. Make sure they’ve been where you’re going

A business coach who hasn’t actually built a successful business before? That’s a red flag. You want someone who’s been where you’re going – someone who’s navigated the ups and downs and can guide you with real-world experience, not just theory.

3. Understand their methodology

Every coach has a different approach. Make sure you understand what they’re offering and that it resonates with you. Ask them how they tailor their coaching to fit your specific needs. A one-size-fits-all approach won’t help you reach your unique goals.

4. Listen to your body

When you’re considering a coach, pay attention to how you feel. Does something feel off, or is it just the discomfort of stepping outside your comfort zone? This is where your intuition comes in. Trust your gut, but also be mindful of your own growth challenges.

5. Build a relationship

Don’t hesitate to ask deeper questions. What are their values? Why do they do what they do? How has their leadership been tested? The connection you build with your coach is crucial. It’s not just about business – it’s about trust, respect, and mutual growth.

And that’s why I’m so big on relationships – as a business and relationship coach, this is how I would be looking for a coach if I were to hire again (and I currently have one now). The relationship you build with your coach isn’t just about hitting business goals; it’s about aligning with someone who supports your entire journey – personally and professionally.

Hiring the right business coach can be one of the best investments you make for your business. Yes, I’ve made mistakes and wasted money, but the lessons I’ve learned are invaluable. My hope is that by sharing these insights, I can help you make better decisions that lead to real growth and success for your small business.