A digital marketing plan doesn’t need to be complicated – simplifying your site and going social are easy yet vital strategies you can employ.
Last week, we looked at the latest Sensis eBusiness Report and one of the most interesting contradictions it exposed: that many Australian SMEs are connected to the internet (93%), yet so few have a digital marketing plan (19%).
In that article, we covered the first three steps to creating a sound digital marketing plan, Here are the four more that will give you a comprehensive strategy.
4. Take a long hard look at yourself
Conduct a critical audit of your current digital assets. Are they up to scratch or do they paint your business in the best possible light? Does everything tie back to your brand’s overall message and beliefs?
How easy is your site to navigate? Remember, people are far more impatient online. In fact, Facebook recently announced it is preferencing advertising from sites that load faster on its platform because it found that 40% of users leave a site after a single click, frustrated by sites that take longer than three seconds to load. If it takes more than two clicks to contact you or get to a point where you can make a sale, you need to simplify your site.
5. Extend your reach with social
Even if you’re a little behind the game when it comes to digital marketing, social media can help you catch up quickly. The latest Sensis Social Media Report found that almost six in 10 consumers are on social media. This platform can be a wonderful marketing tool to tell your business’ story and rapidly engage and connect with customers. Draw up a content plan for what you are going to post and when.
6. How will they find you?
Even the most impressive-looking website means nothing if no one knows it’s there. One of the best ways to help people find your business is through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Make sure your website has been built according to Google’s best practices for organic searchability. Ensuring your SEO is in order is possibly the most important investment you can make.
Google changed its algorithm last year to give priority to mobile optimised sites when serving up search results. More than half the businesses surveyed (57%) in the Sensis eBusiness Report had not yet made that change – don’t let your business miss out on being found for the sake of a simple upgrade.
7. Advertising works
Now that you’ve got your SEO sorted, don’t forget to let your customers know what you’ve got on offer through advertising. Around a third of small and medium businesses advertise online (32%), with a similar number advertising on social networks (34%). A marketing partner such as Sensis can help you target your key customers across search platforms such as Google, as well as social platforms such as Facebook. These allow you to monitor exactly who is reading your ads so you can tweak them accordingly. The beauty of digital marketing is that you can experiment with different offers and track your customers response to them.
A digital marketing plan doesn’t need to be complicated, just considered. If you’re still unsure, consult an expert.
Rob Tolliday, Commercial Director, www.sensis.com.au