Easy actions to help your online business hit its stride in 2020

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The new year is significant for many reasons – one being that, across Australia, small-business owners are setting their New Year’s resolutions and curating their plans to achieve them. While the business world is likely discussing the latest state-of-the-art technologies and industry-changing trends for 2020, some easy-to-action updates may be just as effective for your small business’s online presence.

Hitting your stride in 2020 needn’t be a complicated or costly process, so instead, here are a few simple ways your online small business could achieve its resolutions in the year ahead.

Set your goals, evaluate and renovate your website

Have you decided what you want to sell, achieve or say in 2020? Whether it’s unveiling a new service or product, establishing yourself as a thought leader in your field or something else entirely, it’s worth considering how renovating your website can help your business in the coming year. If you’re unveiling a fresh line, you could update your online store to feature those newer products, make important product information or delivery details more prominent, or even take steps to simplify your checkout process. Think of your website as your virtual storefront and you as the architect; giving it a refresh to kick-off the New Year.

Connect with your customers

Share your excitement about what’s in store for your small business in 2020 with your customers. Consider using email marketing to connect with your customers and make them feel involved with your business in a more engaging way. To help collect customer’s email address you can, for example, add a widget to your website or maybe place a clipboard next to your cash register. This can you allow you to keep in touch with your new and loyal customers in a personal way.

Email marketing can be a good way to reach the people who already love your business and have opted to receive communication and be part of your journey. Use this method to help keep them regularly updated about your new products, business announcements, or those new blogs you’re so excited to share with the world. Only email those who have opted to receive communication from your business, and always give them the option to opt out. When utilised effectively, this can be a great way to promote the spread of positive word of mouth for your business. To further engage with your customers and understand their interests, you could also consider linking your social media to your website and keeping an eye on what content resonates with them.

A helping hand

We know running an online small business can be a great way to help grow your business, yet it needs attention. Friends and family have long been a great source of advice. But in 2020, how about you reached out for additional sources of guidance, like online analytics measuring your website? An intuitive and user-friendly online analytics tool provides real-time metrics, insights and recommendations about how your website is delivering for your business. It can analyse the performance of millions of global websites, provide you with tailored advice, guidance and actionable plans that could help your business grow and reach more customers in 2020.

The New Year doesn’t have to spark the start of a revolution for your small business. Instead, by implementing a few small, actionable changes to your online presence, engaging with your customers and seeking a little help, your resolutions for your online business could become that bit more achievable in the year ahead. So, here’s to the New Year, and your 2020 vision to guide your small business to further success.

Jill Schoolenberg, Regional President for Canada, Australia and Latin America, GoDaddy