Q&A: Delivering Michelin star quality food in meal prep offerings

For this week’s feature, we have a conversation with Jordan Hartley, the entrepreneur behind Hartley Health, which offers nutritious chef-cooked meals servicing Sydney and Newcastle. Before Hartley Health, Jordan worked as a professional chef for years, including a stint at a Michelin-star restaurant in London and at Bennelong in the Sydney Opera House. Health challenges forced her to cut down on her work schedule but also sparked her interest in health and fitness which in turn provided an opportunity to launch her own business.

ISB: What motivated you to set up your own meal prep venture in spite of the health problems you were facing?

JH: My main motivation is sharing the gift of food. I believe food is love and a way to connect with others. After injuring my back, I learned the importance of nourishing the body and caring for mental health – the impact of gut health on your mental health is profound. This experience made me want to help others through food. Learning about nutrition significantly helped my depression and drove me to help others eat nourishing foods by removing their barriers to entry.

ISB: What makes Hartley Health stand out from the other meal providers out there?

JH: Hartley Health stands out from other meal prep companies because we focus on quality, not quantity. We don’t mass-produce meals in a factory or use ingredients that are hard to understand to ‘bulk up’ a meal’s macros. Unlike others, we avoid extending shelf life with preservatives. Our genuine concern for consumers’ health drives us to promote longevity through holistic health with fresh nutritionally dense meals. Our commitment to keeping meals free from harmful additives sets us apart, ensuring that our meals are cooked fresh with clean ingredients.

ISB: Can you tell us about the rebranding you had to make for the business during the pandemic and how it helped turn things around for Hartley Health?

JH: When the pandemic hit, we essentially lost our business. I saw this as an opportunity to rebrand and relaunch. Our ethos remained the same, but witnessing Australians’ fears about their health, combined with my understanding of holistic health, made it crucial to share our message and product on a larger scale. Fortunately, Australians are becoming aware of the health issues caused by the food we consume, which greatly helped turn the business around and ultimately saved it. Following this rebrand and relaunch, we’ve seen over 35 per cent growth and are on the verge of surpassing $3M in revenue.

ISB: How did your experiences during your pregnancy and postpartum period help in the growth of your business?

JH: Honestly, I didn’t fully grasp what I was in for. As a very hands-on founder stepping completely out of the business to focus on motherhood was difficult. However, the first-hand experience I had of mothers’ needs during pregnancy and post-partum led Hartley Health to grow by 46 per cent in just over 12 months. This was a huge achievement for us. Kudos to myself for my dedication. During my pregnancy and postpartum, I had to learn to delegate as much as possible, ask for a lot of help, and time-block my work efficiently. Cutting out the noise and using the time I had to execute and manage a team was crucial to our growth.

ISB: What is your vision for Hartley Health in the next couple of years?

JH: We plan to expand along the east coast of Australia and into the Gold Coast, increasing our delivery days to at least three per week, ensuring even fresher food. My goal is to disrupt the meal prep market, inspiring other companies to create food free from nasties and microplastics. Education will be key for Hartley Health over the next five years. I am excited about homing in as a key player in the meal prep industry and setting new standards for quality and health. We are also planning on further integrating my app into meal prep orders, and to initiative environmentally sustainable practices.

ISB: If there is one piece of advice you can give to someone who aspires to start their own business, what would it be?

JH: Oh, choosing just one piece of advice is hard! I have to share two. First, know your audience. Focusing on customer acquisition to validate your idea and product will help you fast-track the scaling process. Second, be passionate. If your business is your baby, remind yourself daily about your “why.” This motivation will keep you driven and focused on your goals.