ACCC Archives

Closeup of a red sale sign inside a shop window.

ACCC pursues businesses for misleading ads during Black Friday sales

The ACCC has gone after retailers who used misleading advertisements during the Black Friday sales, such as "up to" and ...
Beware scams at tax time

Government set to pressure big tech over online scams

The ACCC is suing Meta for what it says is a failure to stop the publication of advertisements for cryptocurrency scams ...

ACCC welcomes commitment to tougher merger laws

ACCC Chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb said the reformed laws will benefit Australian consumers and businesses of all sizes, as w...

Proposed designated small-business complaints mechanism welcomed

Once a complaint is lodged, the ACCC will be required to rank, assess and publicly respond to the complaint within 90 da...
data, privacy breaches, cyber incidents

Everyday habits within small businesses that attract cybercriminals revealed

The ACCC report that the number of businesses losing money to scams increased by 73 per cent in the last year.
contract, ATO protecting honest businesses, unfair contract terms

ACCC issues warning to franchisors over unfair contract terms

The ACCC strongly encourage franchisors to use information revealed in the report to inform a review of all their contra...

ACCC warns franchisors: fix unfair contract terms or face court

ACCC Deputy Chair Mick Keogh said every franchising agreement the consumer watchdog reviewed contained potentially unfai...

ACCC shares eight principles to help businesses avoid greenwashing action

The ACCC is expected to release further guidance for businesses and consumers on emission and offset claims in early 202...

ACCC targets social media influencers after 150 tipoffs

The number of tip-offs reflects the community concern about the "ever-increasing number of manipulative marketing techni...
app, online tools

ACCC probes consumer concerns, competition in the social-media market

The ACCC are looking for feedback on whether new entrants such as TikTok have changed the competitive landscape for soci...