Three healthy eating habits for mumpreneurs

healthy eating
Woman in office eating salad at working place. Concept of lunch at work and eating healthy food. healthy eating concept. business woman in a jacket having lunch at the office

Mumpreneurs are literally superwomen, with so many time commitments overlapping and throwing their heart and soul into their business and their family.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be tricky for a busy mumpreneur and their level of constant “superwomenism” often comes at the cost of sacrificing their health.

Hectic lifestyles mean time constraints and overwhelm with all the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out –massive hurdles to overcome. They may want to eat a healthy diet but find it difficult due to their busy lifestyle.

Healthy fuel to boost energy and mood

For these mumpreneurs, healthy eating isn’t just about satisfying hunger, it’s also about having the focus and energy to stay on top of it all. Spending all day confronting challenging mental tasks means their brain’s nutritional demands are greater and require healthy fuel to boost energy and mood.

Healthy eating and productivity

Food has a direct impact on cognitive performance, which is why poor food decisions can derail an entire day. Just about everything we eat is converted by our body into glucose, which provides the energy our brains need to stay alert. When we’re running low on glucose, we have a tough time staying focused and our attention drifts.

The secret to healthy eating

The secret to healthy eating is being organised and prepared in advance: this eliminates decision fatigue -making healthy eating the easiest possible option!

Healthy Eating requires preparation and planning and it’s well worth the effort.

Here are three healthy eating habits for a nutritious diet that is as good for the mind as it is for the body.

Healthy habit one: being prepared and organised

Getting organised means being 100 per cent prepared and in control of healthy eating, no matter WHAT life throws at you.

Part of making healthy eating simple is making sure the environment is set up to support this new habit. That means a bit of meal planning and preparation to always have healthy food on hand.

Shopping list – Create a simple shopping list including ingredients needed for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks plus the ingredients to make bulk prep batches. Store this list on the computer and change ingredients for new recipes.

Note: Setting this up may take about an hour initially but once set up it will only take about 5 minutes each week.

Bulk prep, cook once, eat twice (or more) – When preparing one meal, get into the habit of making extra for lunch the next day. This is a massive time saver and ensures always having healthy, nutritious, delicious food on hand.

Healthy habit two: conscious eating

Eating without distractions can be challenging, especially when there is an endless stream of emails to answer.Consequently, eating without distractions means:

  • Enjoying the meal
  • Awareness of the quantity of food consumed
  • Being able to stop when satisfied
  • Time out

Healthy habit three: easy-peasy healthy snacks

Making healthy snacking easier to achieve than unhealthy snacking and avoid mindless snacking:

  • Make healthy snacks that are high in protein and low GI – rather than sugar.
  • Zip up-pre-portion single servings of healthy snacks like almonds, dried berries, edamame beans, carrots and healthy crackers into snack bags.

So, when it’s time for lunch or satisfying a mid-afternoon craving, there is no need to make decisions.

The good news is eating healthily is not about strict limitations or learning to resist temptation. It’s making intelligent decisions about food and making healthy eating the easiest possible option.

Healthy eating is about feeling great, having more energy and improving health.

Irena Geller, Emotional Eating Coach,