Three business lessons from Pokémon Go

BANGKOK THAILAND August 142016: Trainer boy playing pokemon pokemon ball and Pokemon Go gameplay screenshot on the phone Lighting with sun flare

To help get the workforce excited about a goal and its execution, businesses can look for lessons from Pokémon Go to develop an inclusive environment.

Businesses can pay attention to the mobile app’s success and take lessons from Pokémon Go when trying to learn more about human resources. We believe there are three key learnings that businesses should take from the game that has become a phenomenon:

1. User experience is key

Pokémon Go has a simple interface and is fun to use, helping to drive excellent user experience (UX). This tells businesses that digital tools play an important role in maintaining employee engagement. Businesses should consider adopting software and platforms that are user-friendly and intuitive to help drive engagement levels.

If new business technology is difficult to use or requires extensive training, it’s a waste of time and money. Just like Pokémon Go, businesses need their technology to become an extension of the user without them having to really think about it, to really drive value.

2. Recognition drives performance

Pokémon Go shows businesses that rewarding and recognising achievement leads to a more engaged workforce and better workplace performance. The app lets users recognise their peers as they progress through the game, which helps drive engagement.

Businesses can increase employee satisfaction levels and productivity by setting clear metrics for employees and fostering a healthy sense of competition for them to achieve their goals.

3. Community

Pokémon Go provides a sense of community for users by connecting players to share good and bad experiences. This means they are highly engaged in the game. Businesses can also rally employees around a cause and help them feel included and invested in the organisation.

To help get the workforce excited about a goal and its execution, businesses should look for lessons from Pokémon Go to develop an inclusive environment. The more employees feel a sense of camaraderie, the more they will work together to achieve their common goals.

Rob van Es, acting CEO, REFFIND