Delivering workplace wellness

6 specific actions you can take to support wellness of your staff and yourself in order to perform at your best.
Wellness sign with wooden cubes and flowers and stones

Setting up a business is no easy feat, let alone then running the business, growing the business, managing employees, and offering an environment in which they feel happy and excited to work in. Co-Founding bellabox Australia with my sister, I found that while having her by my side, it really was on my own back to be the best manager, supporter and business owner that I could be.

To be all those things, I needed to make sure I looked after myself, including my mental and physical wellbeing. It was more important than ever that I was the happiest and most positive I could be so that we could grow our business, support our employees and go home at the end of every day knowing that I was offering the best version of myself.

Nearly eight years on, I can now confidently say that my daily routine has only positive effects on me and ultimately on our business and our fabulous bellabox Australia family. With that said, when my alarm goes off at five am I am ready to seize the day and go head first into anything that comes my way.

I can’t recommend being active enough! It’s great for your body and your mind. I love Pilates, it’s proven to promote weight loss, increase flexibility, and improve posture, so I stand tall and feel confident. While also juggling my kids, I always try to work out first thing in the morning so that I’ve had time to myself before the workday starts, and it means I arrive at work with endorphins flowing and a smile on my face.

After a nutritious breakfast – I usually go for a fruit smoothie or avo and eggs on toast, depending on what I feel like eating when I wake up – I clean my teeth and then use an activated charcoal powder, which acts as a natural teeth whitener. It just gives me an extra confidence boost and I find myself smiling more, which makes everyone at work smile more too!

I also drink plenty of water, either in my steel water bottle to keep it cool and refreshing, or if I forget that, I love Fiji Water when I’m on the run. It keeps me alert throughout the day, flushes out any toxins and my skin definitely benefits too. I encourage everyone in the office to do the same, even if it means more toilet breaks! Alertness is key to productivity, so we find ourselves powering through ‘to do’ lists.

At bellabox Australia, we always say that wellness and self-care are imperative to our ongoing health and work ethic. A healthier you means a happier you, and with a better mood and increased productivity, you’ll be well on your way to growing your business and your employees will have the willingness to learn and achieve more at work, which will see the success too.

Sarah Hamilton, Co-Founder, bellabox Australia