Even though times are really tough, it would be a mistake for your business to stop publishing content.
No matter what industry you’re in, your customers and even your referral partners are desperate for expert information.
Tragically, some Australians are dying, while others are worried they may lose their jobs or their businesses. This is the time for your business to show leadership and provide help when it’s most needed.
No, I’m not saying you should give medical advice – that should be left to the authorities. What I am saying is that you should share news, analysis and tips relevant to your sector.
The more quality content you publish during this difficult period, the more grateful your community will be.
What news and analysis should you publish?
You should publish news and analysis about your business and your industry.
If you’re talking about your business, you might explain how the COVID crisis has affected your trading hours, product range and distribution.
If you’re talking about your industry, you might share government announcements relevant to your sector and analyse what they mean for customers.
What tips should you publish?
Before this crisis, our lives followed comfortable patterns. We exercised at the same gym, bought our coffee from the same cafe, travelled to work on the same bus, ate lunch at the same restaurants and relaxed on the weekend at the same places.
Now, everything has changed.
Your business needs to provide tips that help people find comfort and security in this uncertain new environment.
Here are some examples:
- Gyms can create workouts that people can do from home.
- Restaurants can publish recipes that people can cook themselves.
- Childcare centres can advise parents how to entertain housebound children.
- Pet businesses can tell how dog owners how to care for housebound pooches.
- Real estate agents can share DIY jobs home owners can do to add value to their property.
What should your content look like and how should you share it?
Your business can produce different types of content and publish that content on a range of channels. Options include:
- In-depth blogs on your website
- Bite-sized analysis on Twitter
- News updates on Facebook
- Behind-the-scenes photos on Instagram
- How-to videos on YouTube
Don’t believe people who tell you that content needs to be lengthy or sophisticated to be effective. It doesn’t. Customers will happily read short social media posts or watch self-recorded videos if they contain useful information.
Why you need to show leadership
I know that times are tough right now and you’re probably working crazy hours. But make an effort to keep publishing content.
Every time you publish information that helps your customers, you’re displaying leadership. And the more leadership you display during this crisis, the more grateful people will be.
Nick Bendel, Head of Content, Hunter & Scribe