How to leverage holidays and awareness days in digital media marketing

There are endless #World, #International and #National holidays and awareness days, weeks and months, which all present great digital marketing opportunities for businesses in any industry.

Taking advantage of these milestone dates can lead to increased customer interaction, lead generation and brand awareness. The great thing is you don’t have to take chunks of your profits to dedicate towards celebrating these days. Small changes in your marketing can make an impact.

Below are three key areas of a content calendar that your business should consider:

1. Celebrate Awareness Days

You can find many awareness days throughout the year with some sending a serious, influential message such as R U OK Day, and others sending a more light-hearted message such as National Donut Day.

Depending on your business, you may find some days offer greater relevance to your industry compared to others. For example, R U OK Day can be celebrated across all industries, as the awareness of mental health issues are real for all industries. Awareness days such as National Donut Day, may only be relevant to certain industries such as the hospitality and food sector.

Dates for annual events are set in advance which you can find on sites such as Days of the Year, allowing you to plan your posts and campaigns. Consider the relevancy and frequency of days for each of your social media channels. Get visual by taking the time to create and source images, gifs and videos for your social posts. Do your research with hashtags and include the holiday name!

If appropriate add a little humour to your digital marketing, as it’s a great way to humanise your business and keep your audience engaged.

2. Join in with promotional days

Provide your customers with a reason to celebrate, by offering incentives such as discounts, value add offers or free trial opportunities for your products and/or services.

Dramatically discounted offers are expected during campaigns on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, however, expanding on this with smaller campaigns throughout the year such as a ‘Spring Sale’ or pairing two items together for a discounted price on Valentine’s Day can offer consumers great value and spikes in sales.

To boost engagement and leads take advantage of holiday sales and promotions on your social media platforms with attention grabbing creatives and strong calls to action to push readers to engage in the promotion. Align your socials with your digital media platforms such as a newsletter or develop a paid per click ad campaign to push the message into a broader target market.

3. Market your business on holidays

Holiday content provides great opportunities for unique digital marketing tactics that will bring attention and increase engagement to your brand. Switch up your everyday organic content by introducing new digital marketing tactics during holiday seasons.

It’s important to harness the power of holidays in the right way for your business. Any business across all industries can jump in by developing appropriate, fun and festive videos or content that presents your brand to be more personable. If appropriate for your industry, why not create social media posts and ads that are light-hearted or have a heart-warming touch to make your business feel more relatable. When customers relate with your brands messaging, they are more likely to trust and engage with your business.

No matter how big or small, or how serious or fun, we recommend you consider using these opportunities to extend your brand reach and attract more attention to your business.

If you don’t do it, your competitors will – so get trending!