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Australia Post has announced its commitment to a new Business Council of Australia initiative that seeks to ensure payments to small businesses within 30 days through a voluntary payment code.
Australia Post already has work actively underway to ensure all identified small business suppliers are paid within 30 days or better.
In July 2017, all existing and new Australia Post vendors will be invited to register on a new supplier portal to access a new, streamlined invoicing process and this will be just the first step towards future improvements.
Australia Post has already commenced a major project to implement a new, more streamlined payment system in 2018, positioning the organisation well to deliver on its commitment.
We welcome and support this initiative by the Business Council of Australia. Small business sits at the heart of our local communities, driving the economy and job growth. And this is especially true of our own business. Nearly half of our 4400 post offices not only provide the vital connection between small businesses like yourselves and your customers, but are also small businesses themselves. So it’s a big focus for us.
Australia Post sees advocating for Australian small business – to help them go online, grow their business and sell overseas – as central to our role.
Find out more about how Australia Post is helping Australian small business at www.auspost.com.au/smallbusiness
Brought to you by Rebecca Burrows, General Manager Small Business, Australia Post