Three reasons why you should enter small business award programs

award, young entrepreneurs, champion

Have you been noticing all the small business award programs coming through the e-mail seeking applicants and entrants for the 2021 season?

Are you entering? You should!

If you are still in business after surviving COVID-19 in 2020 and now into 2021, then you have a story to tell. No matter how small the details might be, you’ve survived, and that’s worth celebrating.

When you enter an award, the information will just keep coming, with all the how to’s about the award you’ve just entered. Take a deep breath and just read it – this is not difficult if you take it all in methodically and start your submission early.

The exercise itself is a different way to examine your business

You are about to comb through your business with fresh new eyes. I loved the process of writing an awards submission because it gave me another perspective to look at our business. Writing for a judge gives you another way to look at the business that opens you to a more rounded view of the business.

The judges will always ask you for an introduction and a description of your business; when was the last time you wrote that down or even gave it a second thought. What is it that you actually do, and what makes you unique? When was the last time you looked through all of those courses that you did, the certificates you’ve earned, or extracurricular activities that you do for your community? Looking in the rear vision mirror is so rewarding; it’s not often we reflect on how far we have come forward until someone asks us to do so.

It is the time to get creative, and it’s your time to shine and show off your personality. Be quirky, be funny, be you! That’s what has made you stand out in your business arena, and that’s what the judges want to see.

Employee morale

Once you’ve wrapped your head around the submission process, tell your staff and ask them to help you with ideas. Stand back and watch them get so very proud of their workplace. If they are involved, they will take ownership. The team will bond around the positive vibes that come from being in an award-winning environment. With or without the trophy, you are aiming high, which will impact everyone on the floor. I’ve always been a firm believer in leading by example. Seeking an award is a great example to set for your staff, and why not use it as a goal reward. “If we get this award through your hard work, excellent customer service, and positive vibes,” then I’m going to take you to the Gala Ball.

The gala ball

We can all use a little goal at the end of a busy work year, and I consider the award gala balls the hottest tickets in town. That’s where all my mentors will be, and it is inspirational to hear the stories of businesses that you admire. I want that invitation, and I want to buy a new dress. How often do we get glammed up these days? I’m in the Far Northern Tropics, where make-up melts off within an hour. Hence, I gave up on that daily routine. I’m also in the motorcycle tourism industry, so if I don’t “create” an invitation, I’d never get to glam up!

I hope that has inspired you to say, “yes” and enter. A little hard work now can boost your business significantly.

Best of luck!