Work-life balance for small-business owners

Often running your own business doesn’t leave much free time. These are some helpful tips designed to promote work-life balance for small-business owners.

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Finding a balance between spending time working and sharing quality time with your family can be difficult when you run a small business. Many people say the reason they started their own business was to have more flexibility and choose when they work, only to realise that the demands of running their business means they have to work more than ever.

If you are the owner of a small business and you’re self-employed you no longer get sick leave or annual leave – you get paid when you work. Here are three useful tips designed to promote work-life balance for small-business owners:

Schedule your working hours

Keep a diary and schedule regular start, break and finish times to ensure maximum productivity. Building and maintaining flexibility in your schedule will make you more aware of how your time is being spent.

Make your family aware of your schedule so they understand your daily commitments, and know that you are working hard to be able to spend quality time with them. Be wary of becoming obsessed with your business, working long hours and failing to take time off.


Many business owners find it difficult to delegate tasks to their employees. No-one knows the job better than you, right? Micro-managing is not only an inefficient way of running a business, it is also exhausting. If necessary, consider investing in training for your staff if they need to develop the skills to take on some of the tasks you currently do

If you are a sole trader consider how technology or outsourcing can help to alleviate some of the-day-to-day tasks you currently do. It will probably involve additional costs but you need to weigh up the cost to your business if you were to become ill or burn out from the stress and fatigue caused by working too many hours.


Allocate time out each day where you switch off all of your devices and take a break from work. Use the time to exercise, get some fresh air or sit down to a meal with your family. This will help you feel more refreshed and will clear your mind, meaning you’ll function more efficiently at work.

Your work-life balance can affect how successful your business is. If you take the time to get the balance right not only will your business benefit, you’ll also have the health and freedom to enjoy it.

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