The hidden dangers of to-to Lists and new year’s resolutions

Vintage clock on a notepad with a to do list

Are you a list maker, do you love to cross things off as you go? As we flip the calendar into a new year, the burden of your own to-do list and New Year’s resolutions can often cause sleeplessness and sweaty brows. And these very lists that we write to keep ourselves safely organised should come with a “danger” warning.

To-do lists are the biggest time thief out there. They will never go away, and will chew up your time and in turn cause you an uncontrollable sense of overwhelm.

To-do lists are also not a way to measure success but simply a road map of routine. And while routine is not all together a bad thing, it can lead to stagnation rather than progress.  A to-do list generally focuses on the tasks you need to complete today, or perhaps in the next week. Very rarely do I see a business owner come to me with a to-do list that reflects their bigger goals or ambitions.

These lists generally reflect easily attainable goals and list makers in business often crowd out time that allows them to spend time achieving long-term goals or dreams. In a weird kind of way we feel more satisfaction in cleaning up after dinner than spending that time brainstorming ways to create something bigger, or turn a new business product or concept into a reality.

Many small-business owners are struggling to keep their heads above water with the day-to-day requirements of running a business. Many entrepreneurs manage their company with a pocket diary and a smart phone. But writing lists of people to email and stock to order can easily take up too much time and get in the way of actually getting tasks done.

A fairly easy way to reduce a to-do list and stress is letting systems handle the mundane tasks. Take the first step towards the freedom to grow your business and create the company you dreamed of. Implementing third party automation systems doesn’t bring immediate change, but will make a big difference in terms of time management after a few months.

Lists shouldn’t ruin your life, they should make it easier.

I believe that the fear of losing control of their to-do list scares people more than the list itself. Business owners fear the unknown, so instead of opting for a new system to help support their business, they’d rather dig their heels in and continue on a path that is guaranteed to stagnate their growth and future revenue. Do it, schedule it, delegate it or scrap it.

Christo Hall, Co-Founder, Basic Bananas