‘We know there are services that are commonly provided by BAS agents that do not necessarily fall within the definition of a BAS service.’
The Tax Practitioners Board – TPB – has expanded the scope of services Business Activity Statement –BAS – agents can provide beyond existing BAS services, as defined in the Tax Agent Services Act 2009.
Following consultation with external stakeholders the Tax Agent Services (Specified BAS Services) Instrument 2016 has now been registered.
It means registered BAS agents can now provide certain services that they were previously unable to lawfully provide, without the requirement of being a registered tax agent. The change comes into immediate effect.
BAS agents can now:
- provide services under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 to the extent that they relate to a payroll function or payments to contractors,
- determine and report the superannuation guarantee shortfall amount and any associated administrative fees,
- deal with superannuation payments made through a clearing house,
- complete and lodge the Taxable payments annual report to the ATO, on behalf of a client,
- send a tax file number declaration to the Commissioner, on behalf of a client, and
- apply to the Registrar for an Australian Business Number, on behalf of a client.
Chair of the TPB, Mr. Ian Taylor, said, ‘we know there are services that are commonly provided by BAS agents that do not necessarily fall within the definition of a BAS service.’
‘This legislative instrument now allows these to be included in the services that BAS agents can provide, without the requirement to be a registered tax agent.’