On Saturday 5 June World Environment Day will bring awareness to the importance of prioritising sustainable initiatives. A series of climate-related disasters in Australia over the past few months have demonstrated the seriousness of the ecological crisis. From raging bushfires to severe droughts to ‘once-in-a lifetime’ events, we can no
longer ignore how interconnected our world is and how much we depend on its health.
It also reminds us how healthy ecosystems, rich with biodiversity, are fundamental to human existence. Ecosystem restoration can take many forms: growing trees, greening cities, rewilding gardens, changing diets or cleaning up rivers and coast lines. We are the generation that can make peace with nature.
Creating a positive change takes a national and global effort, from the smallest actions of individuals to those taken by local communities, schools, universities, businesses and governments.
Sustainability should be a priority for every business, especially as it is an opportunity for employees to work together towards a worthwhile goal for large corporations. For small companies who are prioritising eco-friendly supply chains, they need your support to continue their mission. World Environment Day is the perfect opportunity to start your pledge to shop local more often.
The Getaway Traveller, (soon to be launched online) is a travel marketplace. The platform encourages Australians to focus on the benefits of buying local because when you buy and support small businesses, you have a direct economic impact on the livelihoods of hundreds and thousands of Australians. It’s an important factor in supporting our economy and our environment.
Purchasing goods and produce from local producers and manufacturers cuts down on fuel emissions. This is because it takes less fuel to transport goods locally than transporting them from overseas or interstate. Buying local encourages biodiversity, as local producers growing varied crops will benefit. It also helps to maintain healthy soil and prevent plant and crop disease. And as an added bonus, shopping for local goods supports regional communities and the economy.
Let’s get active, not anxious. Let’s be bold, not timid
The theme for world environment day this year, is ecosystem restoration. It’s a time for nature. A time to reconnect with our incredible wildlife, plants and immerse yourself with an incredible abundance of locally grown food and nature.
In a world of hyper-connectedness, we launched In2thewild. A ‘return-to-nature’ tourism model, in the form of remote eco-cabins set in the bush across rural NSW, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia. Ourr mission is to help everyone look up from their screens and remember the connections that truly matter.
While these tiny houses vary slightly in look, the idea is the same: they’re all mobile, open plan, satisfyingly simple, solar-powered and have minimal interiors that don’t distract from their surroundings. As a result, you become one with nature and feel how it forces you to relax. It’s about slowing down and gaining a new perspective.
The “off-grid” tourism model is in such demand that this small business is looking for more secluded locations for its tiny houses. They support and work with rural communities by providing job opportunities and the chance to monetise unused land.
The desire to disconnect from the pace of modern life is a rapidly growing phenomenon among Australians, particularly those in cities.
At its core, a desire to slow down and break away from the pressures of digital environments is what defines this travel movement. However, it also speaks to the significant trend of people chasing wellness itineraries and local trips with a low carbon footprint.
Studies have shown long commutes can increase the risk of depression, bright lights at night impact sleep patterns and raise anxiety levels, road congestion makes us stressed and a lack of work-life balance has been linked to everything from poor mental health to cardiovascular disease.
The way the world is, people have lost touch with nature. Scientists have shown that just a few days immersed in the great ways, away from the pressures of modern life, can increase mood, creativity and productivity.
Research shows the increasing congestion, noisiness and fast-paced nature of cities is having a detrimental impact on physical and mental health. We are not advocating going bare foot and growing a beard it’s about finding the balance. We believe that more than just having a holiday, In2thewild is about incorporating your everyday life with mental health and environmental restoration as its core focus.